
Taiwan proposes China-style block on overseas Internet services that infringe copyright


註:SOPA 為 Stop Online Piracy Act 縮寫,中文為《禁止網絡盜版法案》,為美國眾院之提案,主張在法院命令下可封鎖侵權網站。該提案引起極大爭議,反對者認為:該提案違反美國憲法第一修正案主張之言論自由。目前,該提案已在尋求共識解決方式前提下被擱置。

(TNW—May 28, 2013) China is famous for its unique Internet censorship policy — known as the Great Firewall — which restricts content, and in particular sites and services from overseas, preventing its 500 million-plus Internet users from having free reign online. Now that policy could be duplicated in Taiwan, where officials have proposed a list of sites that will be blocked.


Draft legislation to block links at IP and DNS level has been put forward by The Taiwan Intellectual Property Office (IPO), as Global Voices notes. The SOPA-like initiative is designed to make sites from overseas that specialize in copyright infringed content unavailable in the country; in effect it will see Taiwan raise a firewall of its own.

全球之聲(Global Voices)注意到:台灣智慧財產局(IPO)所推動的「封鎖境外重大侵權網站」條例草案,將可以透過封鎖 IP 以及 DNS,來阻止特定網站的內容進入台灣。在這樣類似 SOPA 倡議裡的封鎖方式,會使被封鎖網站的內容在該國完全被阻隔而無法獲取,這事實上會等同是台灣設下了一道自己的防火牆。

The IPO has clarified that it will only target international websites that are notorious for file-sharing and other activities that violate digital content rights, but, logically, Taiwanese citizens have expressed concern that the initiative could be hijacked for other — potentially political — purposes.


Looking at China’s example, social media and news websites are regularly combed for ‘unsuitable’ content which is deleted from the Internet. Indeed, things have developed to the point that social networks like Weibo, the Twitter-like platform, have their own in-house ‘content management team’, which removes content that might not sit well with authorities before they are exposed to it.


Fearing the possibilities, concerned Internet users in Taiwan have set up a Facebook event to rally for the cause and share ideas. The Global Voices article includes translated comments from leading thinkers in Taiwan’s online space and regular folk alike.



1.      censorship    (n) the act, process, or practice of censoring審查制度

2.      reign    (n) dominance or widespread influence 支配;廣泛影響

3.      duplicate    (v) to make an exact copy of 做出複製品;形成副本

4.      propose    (v) to plan or intend (to do something) 提議

5.      draft legislation    (n) A proposed law or group of laws, but not decided and well-designed 立法條例草案

6.      put forward    (v ph) to propose for consideration 提出來做評量

7.      initiative    (n) A beginning or introductory step; an opening move 主動的行為

8.      infringe    (v) to transgress or exceed the limits of; violate 違反;侵犯

9.      hijack    (v) to seize control of (a moving vehicle) by use of force 強取豪奪;搶劫

10.    comb for    (v ph) to look all over or all through something for a particular person or thing 徹底檢查

11.    sit well with    (v ph) to be acceptable to (someone) 可被(人)接受的

12. rally for (v ph) to bring (a group, unit, etc.) into order 聚集;彙整

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